
Inject with complete safety and confidence. Explore the future with portable ultrasound.


Lightest Portable Ultrasound on the market



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High Definition Linear Ultrasound Ultrasound

The Visualis portable ultrasound machine is an innovative color linear ultrasound with a frequency range of 10-14MHz that reaches from 2 to 8 cm in depth and only 0,46 lbs of weight. It combines the power and image quality of larger and more expensive systems in an affordable device that fits in your pocket.

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Medical Precision, increased patient safety

The portable Visualis ultrasound is the most convenient option for aesthetic professionals who need to clearly visualize the facial and superficial anatomy of the body in real time, in order to safely guide patient's aesthetic procedures.

Safety and innovation

Diagnose and guide your procedures

Inject and treat patients with confidence

With Visualis it is fast, convenient and easy to identify facial structures for safer injections and aesthetic treatments for both the practitioner and the patient.

Identifies foreign bodies

The Visualis portable ultrasound scanner is an indispensable tool for diagnosing, locating and photographing any foreign body to help decide on the most appropriate course of action.

Follow the evolution of the treatment

Accurately removes problematic hyaluronic acid fillers and other compounds.


Sharp and detailed images everywhere

Its technology allows you to choose between different presets to obtain a high-definition image.



We want to help you!

Improve your aesthetic treatments with the quality of Visualis. Do you want to place an order? Do you have any additional questions?